Potongan cnc plasma mesin pemotong murah Cina
JX-1525 / 1530Voltage: 220V / 380V 50HZRated Power: 8.5KWDimension (L * W * H): 3000MM * 2000MM * 800MMWeight: 250KGCertification: CE ISOWarranty: Satu Tahun Sawise-Sales Layanan: Engineers kasedhiya layanan mesin luar negeriProduct jeneng: Low biaya cilik cnc plasma mesin pemotong chinaType: CNC cuttingCutting kecepatan: 0-8000mm / minControl sistem: START Control System / Shanghai FangLingGuaranty: FreeCutting thickness: 30mm (plasma) 5-150mm (api) Pindah Precision: ± 0.2mm / mTel: 8618653720733Skype: lily.lin230 Video: Description: CNC karo THC otomatis pemotongan mesin ndhukung plasma nglereni lan gas nglereni. CNC Plasma cutting machine bisa digunakake kanggo ...
JX-1530 Panas potongan pemotong api mesin pemotong plastik cnc mini kecil
JX-1530Voltage: 220V / 380VRated Daya: 8.5KWDimension (L * W * H): 1500 * 3000mmWeight: 250kgCertification: ISOWarranty: 1 Tahun, 1 tahun garansi globalSawise-sales Service Provided: Engineers kasedhiya layanan machinery overseasColor: kanggo milihCutting machine: protableType: CNC CutterProduct jeneng: portabel cnc plasma mesin pemotongName: Cnc Plasma CutterCutting: Plasma Cutting + Flame CuttingCutting speed: 0-8000mm / minApplication: Industri Logam Video: Gambaran: Spesifikasi Kinerja Teknis (1) Parts MesinSaupaya ngatasi kebutuhan pelanggan kanthi kecepatan dhuwur lan akurasi dhuwur, perusahaan kita njupuk ...
Harga promosi mesin cnc plasma potong kecil
Video: katrangan: Potong Cutmax cnc plasma lan mesin pemotongan nyala, mesin pemotongan plasma kecil, mesin pemotongan nyala api kecilPortable plasma cnc dan mesin pemotong api adalah produk baru kami. Iku mesin pemotong plasma cilik, gampang dipindhah, instalasi lan operasi gampang. Iku mesin cilik, ora bakal manggoni akeh papan, meksa tebangan max bisa nganti 20mm, loro ing ms lan ss.Portable plasma cnc lan mesin pemotong api with cnc controller, kang bisa entuk nglereni otomatis, ...
Mesin pemotong logam / cnc plasma pemotong / plasma plasma plasma cnc pemotongan mesin
JX-seriesVoltage: 220v / 380vRated Power: 40A, 60A, 100A, 160A, 200ACertification: CE, CO, FOMA, FOME, FTAWarranty : 1year Sawise didol Service: Engineers kasedhiya kanggo layanan machinery ing luar negeri, Engineers kasedhiya kanggo layanan machinery overseaspower gaya: USA digawe kasedhiya. Rack rak: Miko Taiwancolor: minangka customer kaya Video: Description: 1. AplikasiProduk iki minangka ekonomi, gampang kanggo - Gunakake jinis operasi lan pemeliharaan CNC flame & mesin pemotong plasma sing ditujukan kanggo macem-macem jinis nglereni sheet logam. Kanggo entuk macem-macem bahan logam kanthi ...
Pemrosesan logam cilik mesin pemotong plasma cnc
JX-1525 / 1530Voltage: 220V / 380V 50HZRated Power: 8.5KWDimension (L * W * H): 3000MM * 2000MM * 800MMWeight: 250KGCertification: CE ISOWarranty: One YearAfter sales service Provided: Engineers available to service machinery overseasProduct name: Metal processing small cnc portable plasma cutting machineType: CNC cuttingCutting speed: 0-8000mm / minControl system: START Control System / Shanghai FangLingGuarantee: One yearCutting thickness: 0.3 -30mm (plasma) 5-150mm (semangat) Pindah Precision: ± 0.2mm / mTel: 8618653720733Skipe: lily.lin230 Video: Gambaran: Fitur1. Beam kanthi desain struktural cahya, struktur nduweni rigiditas apik, bobot cahya, inertia latihan lan biaya sing murah. Struktur gantry, ...
CNC Metal Plasma cutting machine
JX-1530Voltage: AC220 / 50, 220V, 3phaseRated Power: 160WDimension (L * W * H): 3500 * 2000 * 800mm (L * Tipe: CNC Portable CNC Plasma Cutting MachineCutting mode: Plasma Cutting + Flame CuttingPlasma cutting thickness: Wewangian: Wingking: 120kgsCertifikasi: CEWarranty: 1 tahun untuk seluruh mesinSetelah-sales Service Provided: Engineers available to service machinery overseasCutting speed: 0--8000mm / 0--30mmFlame cutting ketebalan: 6--160mmControl system: Shanghai Fangling F2100Software: Starcam softwareCutting material: SS, CS, GI, seng, aluminium, titanium, lan liyaneColor: abang, biru, ireng, kuning Video: Description: Fitur :( 1) Kacepetan cepet, lan ...
Mesin pemotong plastik Plasma kecil
Nama Perusahaan: JIAXINModel Nomor: GC-1530 / 1525Voltage: 220VRated Power: 8.5KWDimension (L * W * H): 3500 * 2000 * 800mmWeight: 1200kgCertification: ISO9001: 2008Warranty : 1 YearAfter-sales Service Provided: Engineers available to service overseascertification machinery: CEskype: lily.lin230Tel: 8613854791533 Video: Description: Aplikasi: 1. Kanggo baja karbon, tembaga, wesi, aluminium lan lembaran galvanis, lembaran titanium lan lembaran logam liyane. Kerang kulit mesin lan produk elektronik, pratandha iklan, kerajinan, kebun wesi, pabrikan mobil, bangunan kapal, aksesoris listrik, papan pemotongan. Layanan Guarantee & Aftersales: 1. Njamin kanggo siji taun2. Dhukungan teknis 24 jam kanthi email utawa telpon3. Pangguna-pangguna ...
Mesin potong presisi tinggi, wesi besi baja, mesin pemotong plasma cnc
Produsen, Produsen, Perusahaan perdagangan] China (daratan) Layanan: Engineers tersedia untuk layanan mesin luar negeriKey kata kunci: mesin cnc plasma pemotongan ukuran: 600x900x200mmcolor: customizablerailail: Taiwan HIWIN / PMI power railpower square: 40A / 60A / 100Amotors: stepper / servodrivers: stepper / servomaterials: baja, wesi wesi: pisau wajan: 2 tahun Video: Description: portable machine cnc api / plasma can be programmed to cut any shape shape parts made from beeline and busc, which are same as large gantry cutting machines .It ...
Otomatis CNC Plasma profile cutting machine kanggo lembaran logam
JX-1530Voltage: AC220 / 50HZRated Daya: 160WDimension (L * W * H): 3500 * 2000 * 500mm (L * W * H) Tebal: 140, 150, 160, 180, 200kgsCertifikasi: CEWarranty: 1 tahun untuk seluruh mesinSetelah-sales Service Provided: Engineers tersedia untuk layanan mesin luar negeriMachine Tipe: Kecil CNC profile cutting machineWorking area: 1500mm * ketebalan: 0.3--25mm, gumantung marang sumber daya plasma. Gebukan tebal: 6-160mmFlame Gas pemotongan: Oksigen + Asetilena utawa sistem PropaneControl: Beijing Starfire utawa Shanghai JiaodaSoftware: Fastcam, Precision StarcamMove: 0.2mmTHC: Plasma THCColor: ...
Tipe Gantry Kecil Gantry CNC flame / plasma cutting machine
Nama Perusahaan: JIAXINModel Nomor: GC-1530 / 1525Voltage: 220VRated Power: 8.5KWDimension (L * W * H): 3500 * 2000 * 800mmWeight: 1200kgCertification: ISO9001: 2008Warranty : 1 YearAfter sales Service Provided: Engineers available to service overseascertification machinery: CEskype: lily.lin230Tel: 8613854791533 Video: Description: CNC nyukur / plasma mesin nglereni minangka jenis efisiensi dhuwur multifungsi lan dhuwur Precision nglereni peralatan, ora mung bisa ngrampungake nglereni longitudinal long straightening, pemisah langsung transversal, pemotongan otomatis bisa dadi geometri planar sewenang-wenang. Struktur gantri sing kuat lan kuat; Matsushita Jepang ...
Mesin pemotong plasma plasma cnc api otomatis murah
Produsen: JIAXINVoltage: 220vRated Power: 8.5kwDimension (L * W * H): 3500x2000x800mmWeight: 160.200.240kgCertifikasi: CE / ISOWarranty: 12 MonthsSetelah-sales Service Provided: Engineers sumber daya mesin: PLTU Plasma Cutting MachinePower Supply: AC220V ± 10% 50 / 60HZPower Sumber: Plasma atau FlamePlasma Daya: 63A / 100A / 120A / 160A / 200Abat Lebar: 1500 * 2500 atau 1500 * 3000Thickness: 5-160mm 0.5-35mmColor: RedPackaging rincian: Kayu FumigationUsage: Besi, Aluminium Baja, Galvanized Sheet, Titanium PlateKeywords: Potong CNC Flame Plasma Cutter Video: Gambaran: Fitur utama ★ Fungsi CNC mesin bisa nyuda sembarang flat lan grafis Komplek, ...
Pemotong plasma opsional cilik ngetokake 100 pilot busur 50 60 mesin plasma plasma kanggo pemotongan baja sing entheng
Produsen: JiaxinVoltage: 220V / 380V ± 10% Rated Power: 63Dimension (L * W * H): 2080 * 3880 * 1500mmWeight: 1500kgCertification: CEWarranty: 12monthAfter-sales Layanan: Engineers kasedhiya kanggo layanan mesin luar negeri: Produksi plasma cutter kit langsung manufaktur mesinWorking Area: 1500x3000mmControl sistem: Beijing startfire kontrol sistem Transfer file: USB interfaceWork type: Tak bertali busur strikingTransimission: transmisi gear wheelProses presisi: ± 0.01mmTable: (lifelong) Supplier: Hua yuan utawa hyper term supplierColor: Biru lan ireng utawa liyane Video: Description: CNC nyala / plasma mesin pemotong iku jenis efisiensin dhuwur ...
Kualitas Baik Portable Plastik Gantry CNC Small Cutting Machine dari China
JX-1530 / 1525Voltage: 220VRated Power: 8.5KWDimension (L * W * H): 3500 * 2000 * 800mmWeight: 1200kgCertification: ISO9001: 2008Warranty : 1 YearAfter-sales Service Provided: Engineers available to service overseascertification machinery: CEskype: lily.lin230Tel: 8618653720733 Video: Description: Technical Performance Specification (1) Parts machinerySupaya ngetokake pelanggan syarat kecepatan dhuwur lan dhuwur akurasi, perusahaan kita njupuk nyathet struktur mesin sing bisa nyebabake kinerja mesin nalika ngrancang, ngolah lan manufaktur, kalebu gesekan, reaksi, rigiditas, inertia lan liya-liyane. Lan ...
1325/1525/1530 saw mesin pemotong cnc plasma Tabel / mesin pemotong plasma portable jet air kecil
Produsen: JIAXINVoltage: 220vRated Power: 8.5kwDimension (L * W * H): 3500x2000x800mmWeight: 160.200.240kgCertifikasi: CE / ISOWarranty: 12 MonthsSetelah-sales Service Provided: Engineers Sumber: Plasma utawa FlamePlasma Power: 63A / 100A / 120A / 160A / 200Affective Width: 1500 * 2500 or 1500 * 3000Thickness: 5 -160mm utawa 0.5-35mmColor: RedEffective cutting width: 1500-1800mmEffective length: 2000-6000mmUsage: Besi, Aluminium Baja, Galvanized Sheet, Titanium Plate Video: Description: 1, gantungan mesin CNC jenis gantry bisa melengkapi plasma flame liyane ngobati obor ...
Mesin pemotong plasma cnc plasma murah dari Cina
Negara Asal: China JIAXINModel: 1530 / 1525Voltage: 220V / 380V50hzRated Power: 8.5KWDimension (L * W * H): 3500 * 2000 * 800mmWeight: 250kgCertification: CE ISOWarranty: 1 YearAfter sales Service Provided: Engineers available to service machinery overseasProduct name: Small Cnc Plasma Cutting MachineType: CNC CutterCutting speed: 50-10000mm / minCutting system: Start Control systemCutting machine: PortableCutting thickness: 0.3-30mm (plasma) 5-150mm ( api) Potong portabel: SmallColor: minangka requestTel: 8618653720733Skype: lily.lin230 Video: Description: Applied Materialslow carbon steel, tembaga, wesi, aluminium lan galvanized sheet, lembaran titanium lan sheet logam liyane.Kanggo industriprocessing sheets mesin lan elektronik .. .
JX-1530 Hot sale small metal portable cnc plasma cutting machine \ api cuter
JX-1530Voltage: 220V / 380VRated Daya: 8.5KWDimension (L * W * H): 1500 * 3000mmWeight: 250kgCertification: ISOWarranty: 1 Tahun, 1 tahun garansi globalSawise-sales Service Provided: Engineers kasedhiya layanan machinery overseasColor: kanggo milihCutting mesin: protableType: CNC CutterTel: 8618653729733Produk jeneng: portabel potongan mesin plasma CNC Portable: Cnc Plasma CutterCutting: Cutting Plasma + Cutting FlameCutting speed: 0-8000mm / minApplication : Industri Logam Sheet Video: Gambaran: Fitur utama mesin pemotongan plasma: 1.Panduan pemandu, slider empat papat slider, kemampuan loading berat, operasi lancar, presisi tinggi, ...