Mesin potongan logam tipis cnc plasma / murah Mesin pemotongan logam
Produsen: JIAXINModel Nomor: JX-1525Voltage: 220VRated Power: 8.5kwDimension (L * W * H): 3500 * 2500 * 800mmWeight: 120kgCertification: CE ISOWarranty: 12 MonthsAfter -sales Service: Engineers available to service machinery overseascutting machine: protableweight: 120kgwolage: 220vname: low cost Metal cutting machinecertificate: ISO CEcolor: according to clientcatting mode: O2 / C3H8 or C2H2Cutting speed mm / min: 50-10000mm / minPlasma Cutting thickness (mm): 2-20mmCutting system: Start control system Video: Description: 1. Rak genggam penuh, padat lan cukup, sederhana lan awet. Sumbu Y mesin pemotong plasma adopts motif ganda ...
Yiwu Cina cnc plasma sheet metal cutting machine price in india
Produsen: JiaxinVoltage: 220V / 380V ± 10% Rated Power: 63Dimension (L * W * H): 2080 * 3880 * 1500mmWeight: 1500kgCertification: CEWarranty: 12monthAfter-sales Layanan: Engineers kasedhiya kanggo layanan mesin luar negeri: Produksi plasma cutter kit langsung manufaktur mesinWorking Area: 1500x3000mmControl sistem: Beijing startfire kontrol sistem Transfer file: USB interfaceWork type: Tak bertali busur strikingTransimission: transmisi gear wheelProses presisi: ± 0.01mmTable: (seumur hidup) Supplier: Hua yuan utawa hyper term supplierColor: Biru lan ireng utawa Video liyane: Deskripsi: Bisa nggawe nyala nyukur lan pemotongan plasma. Kacepetan cepet pamotongan. Efisien ...
Mesin cnc plasma pemotong logam Cina dengan obor
Nama Perusahaan: JIAXINVoltage: AC220 / 50hzRated Daya: 160WDimension (L * W * H): 3500 * 2000 * 800mm (L * W * H) Berat: 120-- 200kgsCertification: CE ISOWarranty: 1 year for whole machineSetelah-sales Service Provided: Engineers kasedhiya layanan machinery overseasCutting ketebalan: 0--150mm (plasma atau nyala) Kecepatan pemotongan: 0--8000mm / minMachine Tipe: Cina sheet logam cnc plasma mesin pemotong kanthi torchPlasma sumber: Huayuan merek 63A - 160Tabebetan pemotongan aluminium: 0--30mmFlame potongan ketebalan: 6-150mmControl sistem: Shanghai Fangling F2100BSPemasaran: Starcam utawa Fastcam softwareCutting materi: Besi, baja, aluminium, lembaran galvanis, Titanium lan logam liyane: , biru, ireng, kuning, utawa ...
CNC gantry plasma cutting machine for metal sheet metal
JX-1530Voltage: 220VRated Power: 50HZDimension (L * W * H): 1500 * 3000mmWeight: 200kgCertification: CEWarranty: rolas monthesAfter-sales Service Provided : Engineers kasedhiya kanggo layanan jaban rangkah jenengProduk: Plastik CNC Mini Mini lan Flame Cutter kanggo Sheet MetalCatting mode: Plasma Cutting + Flame CuttingCutting Material: Metal Stainless Steel Aluminium Baja AluminiumApplication: Industri Logam CuttingTekan kekandelan: 0-30mmControl sistem: Starfire Control SystemCutting speed: 0 -8000mm / min Video: Description: CNC Plasma Cutting Machine Fitur: 1 Welded lathe bed of thick-wall profiled steel, more solid and stable.2 ...
Mesin pemotong logam otomatis
JX-6090Voltage: AC220V, 50Hz / 60Hz (AC380V, 50Hz / 60Hz) Rated Power: 9kwDimension (L * W) : HYWIN / PMI square railplasma power: 40A (HIWIN / PMI): 600x900x200mmWeight: 1000KGCertifikasi: CE, ISO, forma ectWarranty: 1 yearAfter-sales Service Provided: Engineers available to service machinery overseasKey word: cnc sheet metal cutting machineworking: / 60A / 100Amotors: stepper / servodrivers: stepper / servomaterials: aluminium, tembaga, kuningan, baja, wesi ecttable: pisau tablewarranty: 2 taun Video: liwat perangkat lunak konversi kanthi otomatis njupuk path ...
Mesin pemotong cnc paling populer 1325 mesin pemotong plasma tipis lembaran logam
Nama Perusahaan: JIAXINVoltage: 220VRated Power: 8.5kwDimension (L * W * H): 3500 * 2500 * 800mmWeight: 120kgCertifikasi: CE ISOWarranty: 12 MonthsSetelah-sales Layanan yang disediakan: Engineers kasedhiya kanggo layanan machinery overseascutting: Mini-Crossbow CNC Sheet Metal-Plastik Cost-effective Sheet Metal Plasma Cutterweight: 120kgwolage: 220vname: hobel mesin pemotongan plasma cnc metal: ISO CEcolor: menurut mode klc: O2 / C3H8 atau C2H2Cutting mm / 10000mm / minPlasma Cutting thickness (mm): 2-20mmCutting system: Start control system Video: Description: CNC api / plasma cutting machine is a kind of multifunction high efficiency and ...
Cakrawala dhuwur Cnc oksigen portabel cnc api / plasma mesin karo THC kanggo sheet logam
Negara Asal: China JIAXINModel: 1525 / 1530Voltage: 220V / 380V50HZRated Power: 8.5kwDimension (L * W * H): 3500 * 2000 * 800mmWeight: 250kgCertification: CE ISOWarranty: 12 monthsAfter-sales Service Provided: Engineers available to machinery machinery overseasProduct name: portable machine CNC CutterCutting: 50-10000mm / minCutting machine: PortableCutting thickness: 0.3-30mm (plasma) 5-150mm (flame) Move Precision: ± 0.2mm / mColor: Minangka requestTel: 8618653720733Skype: lily.lin230 Video: Description: Fitur Utama ★ Fungsi CNC mesin bisa numpuk sembarang flat lan grafis sing kompak, diadaptasi kanggo Oksigen, pemotongan nyala lan pemotongan plasma kaya gantry-type gedhe-ukuran CNC ...
Mesin pemotong logam cnc plasma
JX-1212Voltage: 220V / 380VRated Power: 8.5KWDimension (L * W * H): 1980x1830x1760mmWeight: 800kgCertification: CEWarranty: 1 YearAfter-sales Service Sarana: Engineers kasedhiya layanan machinery luar negeriProduct jeneng: mesin cnc plasma cuttingControl sistem: Starfire Control SystemWorking area: 1200 * 1200mmTable: Blade utawa gerobak mejaTiga mode: Plazma atau api Cutting MachineCutting ketebalan: 0-200mmVolage: 380VPower: Huayuan atau hyperthermCutting materi: MentalColor : minangka kabutuhan pelanggan Video: Description: Konfigurasi utama lan fungsi pengenalan # Kuat rantai drag - Traksi lan perlindungan, pinter dhuwur intensitas, rigidity ametabolic, gampang instalasi, nggunakake ...
Mesin potong cnc plasma harga murah
JX-1525 / 1530Voltage: 220V / 380V 50HZRated Power: 8.5KWDimension (L * W * H): 3000MM * 2000MM * 800MMWeight: 250KGCertification: CE ISOWarranty: One YearAfter sales service Provided: Engineers available to service machinery overseasProduct name: Metal sheet cheap price cnc plasma cutting machineType: CNC cuttingCutting speed: 0-8000mm / minControl system: START Control System / Shanghai FangLingGuaranty: FreeCutting thickness: 30mm (plasma) 5-150mm (api) Pindah Precision: ± 0.2mm / mTel: 8618653720733Skype: lily.lin230 Video: Description: Fitur: 1. Beam kanthi desain struktural cahya, struktur nduweni rigiditas apik, bobot cahya, inertia latihan lan biaya sing murah. Struktur gantungan gantungan, sumbu Y ...
Cnc plasma dhuwur lan mesin pemotong baja dhuwur kanggo industri sheet metal
Nama Perusahaan: JiaxinVoltage: 380VRated Power: 8.5KWDimension (L * W * H): 3950 * 2090 * 1510mmWeight: 1400 KGCertification: CEWarranty: 2 YearsAfter sales Service Provided: Engineers available to service machinery overseasKeywords: cnc plasma and steel cutting machine for sheet metal industryWorking area: 1500 * 3000mmSupplier: Hua yuan or hyper therm supplierDriving system: stepper motorCutting speed: 15m / minControl system: Start + THCRail: Round railTable structure: frame Software: Fastcam Software Video: Deskripsi: Fitur: 1.Rack nggunakake kabeh-dilas struktur, kuat cukup, operasi prasaja, lan tahan lama.2.High kecepatan pemotongan lan presisi. Mouth nglereni, prderliness lan ora slag mati phenomengn, tradisional .. .
Résolusi mesin pemotongan plasma cilik ukuran potongan mesin kanthi kustomisasi warna
JX-6090Voltage: AC220V, 50Hz / 60Hz (AC380V, 50Hz / 60Hz) Rated Power: 9kwDimension (L * W) : HYWIN / PMI square railplasma power: 40A / 63A / 100Amotors: HYWIN / PMI square railplasma power: 40A / 63A / 100Amotors Fitur: Mesin pemotongan plasma: 1.Panduan pemandu, double slider bola papat, kapasitas pemuatan berat , operasi lancar, presisi dhuwur, urip dawa ....
Lembaran logam presisi tinggi 1525/1530 mesin pemotong plasma portable
JX-1525 / 1530Voltage: 220V / 380V 50HZRated Power: 8.5KWDimension (L * W * H): 3000MM * 2000MM * 800MMWeight: 250KGCertification: CE ISOWarranty: Satu Tahun Sawise-Sales Layanan: Engineers kasedhiya layanan mesin luar negeriProduct jeneng: 1525/1530 cnc portabel plasma mesinTipe: CNC CuttingCutting kacepetan: 0-8000mm / minControl sistem: START Control System / Shanghai FangLingGuaranty: FreeCutting thickness: 30mm (plasma) 5-150mm (api) Pindah Precision: ± 0.2mm / mTel: 8618653720733Skype: lily.lin230 Video: Description: Mesin pemotong CNC ndhukung pemotongan plasma lan pemotongan gas. panjang motong bisa ngluwihi maksimal 40m, ambane saka 2m nganti 6m.
Plastik mesin pemotong cnc kinerja tinggi kanggo pipa tabung lan lembaran logam
JX-1530Voltage: 380VRated Power: 8.5KWDimension (L * W * H): 3950 * 2090 * 1510mmWeight: 1400 KGCertification: CEWarranty: 2 YearsAfter -sales Engine Service: mesin pemotong mesin plasma untuk pemotongan tabung dan logam sheetWorking area: 1500 * 3000mmSupplier: Hua yuan atau hyper term supplierDriving system: stepper motorCutting speed: 1-10 m / minControl system: Start + THCRail: Struktur rol bulat: Rangka tugas berat Perangkat lunak: Video Fastcam Video: Description: 1.Beam nggunakake guide linear.2.Beam mengadopsi struktur kotak lan gantri frame. Sawise welding, nggunakake geter stres ...
mesin pemotong cnc plasma portable, mesin pemotong logam lembar mini
Video: Deskripsi: 1. AplikasiProduk iki minangka panggunaan operasi lan pemeliharaan jinis ECC api & mesin pemotong plasma sing ditujokake kanggo akeh jinis pemotongan lembaran logam. Kanggo nggayuh macem-macem bahan logam dening materi grafis, ngurangi roughness nganti 25, sawise nglereni permukaan potong ing kahanan normal ora mbutuhake pangolahan ing permukaan. Kanthi gelar otomatis otomatis, gampang digunakake, akurasi dhuwur, kehandalan dhuwur lan rega sing murah, operasi, pangopènan etc ...
CE / ISO disetujui mesin lembaran cnc plasma murah
JX-1525 / 1530Voltage: 220V / 380V50HZRated Daya: 8.5KWDimension (L * W * H): 3000MM * 2000MM * 800MMWeight: 250KGCertification: CE Same YearAfter sales service: Engineers are available to service machinery overseasProduct name: Cnc plasma cutting machineTipe: CNC CutterCutting speed: 50-10000mm / minControl system: START Control System / Shanghai FangLingCutting machine: ProtableCutting thickness: 0-30mmMove Precision: ± Modus 0.2mm / mCutting: Plasma Cutting and FlameTel: 8618653720733Skype: lily.lin230 Video: Description: Pambuka: mesin pemotong plasma CNC dhuwur-end, nggunakake impor dhuwur hardness struktur aluminium. Dibandhingake karo mesin pemisah portabel umum, ...
Produk anyar mesin cnc plasma cutting sheet metal 1200 * 1200mm working area
Produsen: JiaxinVoltage: 220V / 380V ± 10% Rated Power: 7.5kwDimension (L * W * H): 1980 * 1830 * 1760mmWeight: 1200kgCertification: CEWarranty: 12monthAfter- sales service Engine: Engineers available to service machinery overseas: Machine cutting machineWorking Area: 1200 * 1200mmControl system: Beijing startfire control systemFiles transfer: USB interfaceWork type: Unique arc strikingTransimission: Transmission gear wheelProcess precision: ± 0.01mmTable: Blade table or sawtooth table ) Supplier: Hua yuan utawa hyper term supplierinverter: Fuling inverter Video: Description: Fitur: 1. Beam kanthi desain struktural cahya, struktur nduweni rigiditas apik, bobot cahya, inertia latihan lan biaya sing murah. Tipe gantry ...
Rega mesin pemotong plasma Cina 63A
JX-2040Voltage: 380VRated Power: 8.5KWDimension (L * W * H): 4650 * 2280 * 1590 mmWeight: 1600 KGCertification: CEWarranty: 1 Service Delivery Engine: Engineers available to service machinery overseasKeywords: cheap plasma tv with pricesCutting speed: 0-10 m / minControl system: Starfire + THCDriving system: stepper motorPower Supplier: 63ARail: Square railSupplier: huyuanCutting thickness: 0-6 mmColor: Blue Video: Description: THE MAIN CHARACTER1. Dhuwur stabilitas lan proses pemotongan siji wektu. Ngadopsi teknologi anyar kanthi bebas pangopong ora ndhaptarake, dibebasake saka bledug3. Gunakake Korea Selatan ...
Jiaxin cnc sheet metal cutting machine / plasma cutting machine with cnc for steel / computer con ...
JX-6090Voltage: 220V / 380VRated Power: 40ADimension (L * W * H): 600 * 900mmWeight: Sesuai sizeCertification: CE CertificateWarranty: 2 Taun-tahun Sawise-sales Service Provided: Engineers kasedhiya kanggo layanan machinery overseasColor: Kaya sampeyan neededCutting kekandelan: 0-30mmCutting kacepetan: 16000mm / minMachine Structure: WeldedX Y Transmis: Rack GearsOperating System: START Brand LCD panel control systemWorking Dictate: G CodeDocument Transmission Form: USB Voltase InterfaceWorking: 3 phase220V / 380V (liyane bisa disesuaikan minangka kebutuhan sampeyan) Ukuran Pembungkus: 1.3 * 1.6 * 1.75M Video: Description: Fitur plasma cnc cutter1. Plasma daya lan ...
Jiaxin plasma cutting machine for metal 10mm thickness / cnc sheet metal plasma cutting machine / 1325 c ...
JX-1325Voltage: 220V / 380VRated Power: 40ADimension (L * W * H): 1300 * 2500mmWeight: Sesuai sizeCertification: CE CertificateWarranty: 2 Taun-tahun Sawise-sales Service Provided: Engineers kasedhiya kanggo layanan machinery overseasColor: Kaya sampeyan neededCutting kekandelan: 0-30mmCutting kacepetan: 16000mm / minMachine Structure: WeldedX Y Transmis: Rack GearsOperating System: START Brand LCD panel control systemWorking Dictate: G CodeDocument Transmission Form: USB Voltage InterfaceWorking: 3 phase220V / 380V (liyane bisa nggawe selaras minangka perlu) Packing Ukuran: 1.3 * 1.6 * 1.75M Video: Description: 1, mesin gantry jenis CNC bisa ...
promosi harga murah cnc plasma cutting machine untuk logam parts / table type cnc sheet metal plasma ...
JX-1325Voltage: 220V / 380VRated Power: 40ADimension (L * W * H): 1300 * 2500mmWeight: Sesuai sizeCertification: CE CertificateWarranty: 2 Taun-tahun Sawise-sales Service Provided: Engineers kasedhiya kanggo layanan machinery overseasColor: Kaya sampeyan neededCutting kekandelan: 0-30mmCutting kacepetan: 16000mm / minMachine Structure: WeldedX Y Transmis: Rack GearsOperating System: START Brand LCD panel control systemWorking Dictate: G CodeDocument Transmission Form: USB Voltage InterfaceWorking: 3 phase220V / 380V (liyane bisa disesuaikan minangka kebutuhan sampeyan) Ukuran Pembungkus: 1.3 * 1.6 * 1.75M Video: Description: Fitur Produk: 1.Bahan lathe bed of thick-wall profiled baja, ...